Blackberry Cobbler
Hello lovely friends! Happy August and blessed Lughnasadh! Today I woke up with great positivity and as the sun rose I decided to make blackberry cobbler to celebrate a new holiday. I also baked the cobbler early so it wouldn’t be too hot to bake later. A very popular food dish for Lughnasadh is blackberry pie/cobbler. I used this Blackberry Cobbler recipe here!
As I’ve mentioned in my IG every month and-more importantly-every August, I feel a rebirth coming through. It’s going to be my 25th birthday this month, and I, unlike many, I get more excited as I get older. I leave behind a year of failures and successes, both teaching me things for the future. The future excites me, and this starts in August for me .The first harvest themes are blessings, celebrating hard work and accomplished goals, abundance, transformation and change, prosperity. This is something very relevant to my life right now and seeing how everything comes together makes me so happy. I also did my first tarot spread ever and needless to say something incredibly special to me. Happy August and Lughnasadh again. Blessed be.