No literally we’re talking about periods today
Let’s get a little personal today. Let me start by saying that periods are normal, and they should be openly talked about. However, apologies in advance to my family members who stumble upon this; it’s natural, so suck it up.
As a woman and someone who wants to reduce her carbon footprint, I want to share my “cup” experience. According to a study published by The Lancet Public Health, they're safe, cost effective, and reduce waste and water. My interest peaked about 2 years ago, but I personally didn’t think it would work for me. It wasn’t until a few months ago, I stumbled upon a TikTok where a gynecologist literally showed viewers how the cup is inserted. Visuals usually help me understand things more so, I pulled the trigger.
I first did my research on which one would be suitable for me. There are many options; however, the Cora Cup called my attention more. What I loved most about this brand is that they give back. Every purchase goes towards pads and health education to those in need through partners in India, Kenya, and the United States. It’s Eco friendly and female-friendly; on average, Cora goods have 85% fewer toxins than conventional products, and you’re not creating waste. Your Menstrual cup can last up to 10 years-imagine all the money you can save from tampons and pads.
The cup itself didn’t intimidate me like other brands did. I took an online quiz on their website and decided to go with the Size 1-small. This size is better for those who have not given birth. I got mine at Target for $29.99, an excellent place to check first because it retails for $39.99. It came in a tin container that included a sample of their feminine wash, a storage pouch, instructions, and the cup itself.
The first thing you want to do is sanitize the cup with boiling hot water. You want to let it cool completely before using it. It comes with instructions on inserting it along with different folding methods; my favorite is the C-Fold. Once inserted, you can wear it for up to 12 hours, so that’s about twice a day. After your cycle is over, you can wash it with a feminine wash- I recently purchased The Honey Pot’s. Once it’s dried and clean, you can put it in the storage pouch or use the tin container. Personally, I will use a tin container because I don’t want to lose it in the pouch-again.
Personal Experience:
It was not that bad. At first, it was like inserting an extra-large tampon. You really have to relax your muscles to let it in, some people wet it a little, so it has some lubrication. Once inserted, you can gently release the fold, and it kind of pops inside you. If you tug on it gently you and it stays in place, you know it’s inserted correctly. When I first used it, I was working, and I was really nervous because our bathrooms have stalls and one sink. Initially, I would take it out and rinse when I used the bathroom; however, it’s entirely safe to keep inserted when going to the bathroom. Eventually, I had more confidence leaving it on for more extended amounts of time.
Sleeping with it inserted is also really comfy! I hate tampons when I sleep; also, it terrifies me because of toxic shock syndrome. However, with the Cora Cup, I can sleep comfortably. Taking it out is a little scary; I’m always afraid I’ll drop it into the toilet bowl. However, once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty easy! You want to use clean hands and reach for the base and pinch it to fold it again. Once you have it secured in your hand, you want to guide it out; sometimes, you have to “push” and relax a little, making it more manageable. The push is what I imagine what pregnant women do when delivering a baby. Afterward, you would rinse it out and insert it again. Overall, once you get the hang of it, you’ll never want to go back to tampons and pads. But if that’s what you’re comfortable with, that’s okay too! I decided to share because sometimes, you want to hear from a friend about experiences like this; I know I did. Consider me a friend and ask questions if you’d like, either in the comment section or through DM on IG. Ask your doctor as well to see what’s right for you.
I hope you all stay well and healthy. Blessed be. xx